The position-based dynamics (PBD) algorithm is a popular and versatile technique for real-time simulation of deformable bodies, but is only appli- cable to forces that can be expressed as linearly compliant constraints. In this work, we explore a generalization of PBD that is applicable to arbitrary nonlinear force models. We do this through a force-centric reformulation of implicit time integration, to which applying Gauss-Seidel iterations naturally leads to a PBD-type algorithm. We further show how the basic algorithm can be extended to enable robust handling of inverted elements, and ex- ploit rigid invariance to reduce the computational cost. As we demonstrate, our method allows interactive simulation of various material models that cannot be represented by existing variations of position-based dynamics, such as neo-Hookean elasticity with an inversion barrier, and homogenized yarn-level cloth.
0.41 Poisson's ratio
0.45 Poisson's ratio
0.49 Poisson's ratio
0.495 Poisson's ratio
0.4995 Poisson's ratio
Torsion Pi
Torsion 2Pi
Cube Randomize
Armadillo Randomize
Basket X
Honey X
Rib X
Satin X
Stock X
Basket X
Honey X
Rib X
Satin X
Stock X